Maybe Introverts who Hate Phone Calls and Don’t Have Time For Email Updates Shouldn’t Quit Facebook After All

So, (awkward chuckle), you know how I wrote this post on quitting Facebook? Yeaaa…about that. Well, my plan seemed like a good one and I really do think it’s ideal to keep up with people in more personal ways, like phone conversations, meetups or emails/letters. But I don’t really have or want to spend my time updating a few people via email with pictures and notes about my life. I practically fear phone conversations (so why I thought I could commit to regular ones…I don’t know). And I’m kinda busy for frequent meetups. Ah who am I kidding? In the four months I was off of facebook, I didn’t meet up with anyone who I’d hope to catch up with. So my experiment with having more personal relationships just doesn’t work very well for a busy introvert like me. I’m back on Facebook. I do at least have a renewed sense of purpose on it. Since I’d permanently deleted my account, I’m starting over with a clean slate and I hope to keep my friends’ list to people who I actually consider a friend (even if we’ve only met through blogging). Also, after reading that Narcissism book, I am keenly aware of how I present myself. I don’t want to be all like “look at my life and admire me”. I hope to be as real as I can be rather than showing some glossed over representation of my life. And I don’t want to be an attention-grabber or even to care who “likes” things on my page. I just want to share things that I think people who are close to me can appreciate. When I left Facebook, a few people were almost upset with me because they wanted to follow me and my family’s life since we don’t live near one another. Facebook seems to be the easiest medium for me to share pictures and updates, so there ya have it. The other side of the coin for Facebook usage. It’s both a blessing and a curse.

2 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Rebekah
    Apr 24, 2014 @ 02:55:28

    I think Facebook is absolutely great for staying in contact with family. Sometimes though I get overstimulated or overwhelmed by it and can’t be on it too much for a day or two. But then some evenings I like to chit chat and scroll through things. My Facebook philosophy is just to not over-think it too much. (except most of the time I still do not post my blogs because of the fear of rejection and judgment, but I am ok with that)


    • Deanna
      Apr 25, 2014 @ 00:42:50

      I know what you mean. I haven’t told many people about my blog because it almost feels safer to be vulnerable with strangers I probably won’t see in real life than people who know me and can judge me.


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